ANNOUNCEMENT: I am now a Oiselle Track Athlete!

Photo by Brandon Eckroth

Photo by Brandon Eckroth


I am so excited to finally announce that I signed with Oiselle, a women’s running brand out of Seattle, and I will be moving to Bend, Oregon to continue my running career. I will be training with coach Lauren Fleshman and the Littlewing Athletics team. I’m PUMPED!!!


I am so thankful for Oiselle’s support of my dreams and to be part of the amazing Oiselle running community. I have already received the warmest welcome and I can’t wait to get to know more people in the Oiselle community!

To answer the early leader in FAQs, Oiselle is pronounced like “wah-zelle.” Not “oy-sell.” :)

Check out my athlete bio over on the Oiselle website to read more about my favorite piece of #flystyle, my advice to young athletes, and my superpower!

Strandemo Signs with Oiselle (Gopher Sports)